Admission Information

Fee (One Time) – 8000/-
Residence Fee (Monthly) - 8000/-
Non-Residence Fee (Monthly) - 2000/-

Special concessions for all categories of poor, orphans, destitute and meritorious. *

- One month's salary and accommodation charges must be paid in advance along with the admission fee.
- All fees must be paid by the 5th of every English month.
- Residence charges are not deducted due to leave or absence.
- At the time of admission 2 copies of students and 1 copy of passport size photograph of parents and photocopy of birth certificate of students should be submitted.
- It is compulsory to wear the prescribed uniform of the madrasa, keep diary and carry identity card.
24 hour routine of Residential Students

04:00 AM - Before Fajr prayer Waking up, performing Salat Tahajjud and listening to everything, preparing for class
After dawn - 08:00 AM . Recitation of Surah Yasin, Amal of Salatul Ishrak, light breakfast and recitation of seven lessons
08:00 AM - 10:30 AM Breakfast, sleep, bath and class preparation
10:31 AM - 12:30 PM Listen to Amukhta
12:31 PM - 01:15 PM Aam mashka
01:16 PM - 02:30 PM Salatuz Johar, Lunch
02:31 PM - 04:00 PM Recitation and hearing of all the students
04:01 PM – 04:30 PM Dars of the Kitab
04:31 PM – till Maghrib Salatul Asr, Talim; Riyazus Salihin, Audio Mashq, Manuscripts and Sports
After Maghrib - 08:30 PM ecitation of Suratul Waqiyah, Sabak Yad and recitation for the first time
08:31 PM - 9:15 PM Salatul Esha, recitation of suratul mulk and dinner
09:16 PM - 10:30 PM Saat Sabak/ Amukhta remembrance, recitation of prayers

[ Tarbiyati Majlis of students in the presence of teachers staying at Bad Esha Hostel on 2nd Thursday of every month.]
Online Admission

Admission Form

Bank Account

Fund Type : General Fund

Name : Jamia Darul Falah

Bank Name : Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd.

Location : Laldighirpar Branch, Sylhet

A/C : 004 1120 084 258

Fund Type : Poor Fund

Name : Jamia Darul Falah

Bank Name : First Security Islami Bank Ltd.

Location : Mirabazar Sub-Branch, Sylhet

A/C : 211 9131 00000 754

Contact Info

+880 1778 230303

+880 1753 808485

Shantinagar, Mirerchok (Ward No.-31, Burhan uddin road), Sylhet, Bangladesh

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